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Tractor spraying pesticides over farm on sunny day
Oticki | Shutterstock.com

Toxic threats

Tell the EPA: PFAS don’t belong in our soil

These chemicals are simply too dangerous to be spreading across the land that produces our food.

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Whether you care about the planet, wearing high quality clothing, or protecting workers rights, the sustainable fashion movement can embolden so many people to create effective change in the world around them. Emma Knudson, President of Mizzou Women in Natural Resources, University of Missouri
I care about sustainable fashion because it uplifts talented makers and garment workers, protects our planet, and spotlights organizations that prioritize people and the planet over profit. Rachael Guiles, Responsible Sourcing and Sustainability Specialist, Oregon
I believe that as every individual walking the surface of this planet called earth wears clothes, we are all part of the fashion industry, hence very critical that, we all come together in this moment of existence with our individual capacities, to make a generational change and impact. Kwamena Boison, Co-Founder + Head of Design, THE REVIVAL, Ghana
When I envision a sustainable fashion future I really see it being a collaborative ecosystem where brands, designers, activists, and leaders are coming together to design new systems (not just new clothes). Amanda Lapham, Co-Founder of Wolven & Creative Designer, California
I hope to see waste in the fashion industry continue to dwindle. Circularity is paramount for Everywhere and for ensuring a sustainable future on this planet. Irys Placida Kornbluth, COO of Everywhere Apparel, California