Visualizing Zero Waste: Zero Waste Stores

The first in our new series of videos highlighting businesses, governments, and non-profits that work to reduce plastic. | Public Domain
Holly Thompson
Holly Thompson

Former Beyond Plastic, Associate, PIRG

Matt Casale

Former Director, Environment Campaigns, PIRG

In 2023 we will be profiling businesses, governments, and non-profits that work to reduce plastic called Visualizing Zero Waste. We will focus on zero-waste stores, thrift shops, government events, nonprofits, and other organizations. The series will highlight people who make a difference in their communities and have a positive impact on the world. More videos will be released in 2023 to show what the world can look like without plastic. 

In our first video, which you can watch below, we highlight Mason and Greens, a zero-waste and refill store in Washington, DC. The store — and others like it — is a dream for anyone who wants to live a sustainable lifestyle. You can buy everything from rice, grains, and other pantry items, to cleaning supplies, to frozen fruits without plastic. Customers bring in a reusable container and the store has an electronic system that records the weight of the container so you only pay for the weight of the food. The store also has a library of sustainable books on everything from sustainable DIY to how to act on environmental issues, as well as sessions where people can learn how to live a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. This is the systemic change we need to transition to a circular economy.

It can be difficult for the average consumer to live a sustainable lifestyle when everything is wrapped in plastic. Still, there are businesses like Mason and Greens that are doing things in a plastic-free way, and most of them have been started by regular people wanting to make a difference. For the full interview, check out our Youtube channel and keep checking back for more videos on zero waste. 

Visualizing Zero Waste: Mason and Greens


Holly Thompson

Former Beyond Plastic, Associate, PIRG

Matt Casale

Former Director, Environment Campaigns, PIRG

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