Hospitalizations, deaths from contaminated food doubled in 2024 as recalls from Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli increased by 41%; 98% of all illnesses linked to just 13 outbreaks, ranging from cucumbers to deli meat
I like that PIRG digs down and finds ways the system has been rigged against our long-term welfare and tries to translate that into legislative and legal action at the state, local and national levels. Nick Bridge, Member
We need to stand up to companies that profit when we throw stuff away
As there is ever more to be done, I like that WashPIRG works to solve important issues while educating the public about them, and is playing an active role on many fronts.Frank Kroger, Member
Solving important issues while educating the public
I decided to support an organization that doesn’t seem to rely on partisan politics to accomplish goals, and as a pediatrician, I have been especially interested in OSPIRG’s projects that impact the health of children and infants...Patricia Jett, Member
I decided to support an organization that doesn’t…rely on partisan politics to accomplish goals
Whether you care about the planet, wearing high quality clothing, or protecting workers rights, the sustainable fashion movement can embolden so many people to create effective change in the world around them.Emma Knudson, President of Mizzou Women in Natural Resources, University of Missouri