Jacqueline Bustos

Jacqueline Bustos
Active/outdoor apparel designer, Maryland

“I’m an apparel designer who has been in the industry for a little over ten years now. When I was first getting into this career field I had no idea of how much the fashion industry contributed to global warming. Once I started educating myself on sustainable fashion it became my passion to speak and start implementing my findings in any way possible.

On the other hand, as a consumer, this is a habit I even struggle with since I am in the thick of this industry and clothing is something I very much love. It’s a mental shift that I have learned as we live in a consumerist society. What I have adopted now is, I use what I currently have as much as possible, I buy used if that is an option, and if I have to buy new I research companies who strive for ethical business practices. By no means is this perfect but it’s progress, I can honestly keep talking and learning about sustainable fashion for hours.

My dream would be for all of us to be a little more conscious about the purchases we make and the brands we support. Your money has the power to make a change if brands and legislation won’t.”


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