Jason Donofrio
Arizona PIRG Education Fund
Today the Arizona PIRG Education Fund released a new report highlighting the potential influence of campaign giving on transportation funding decisions at the state and federal level. Written with data not previously released, Greasing the Wheels: the Crossroads of Campaign Money and Transportation Policy looks at transportation funding and campaign contributions both in Arizona and across the nation.
Key findings of the report include:
According to Jesse Victor, the Arizona PIRG Education Fund’s Transportation Associate, “The data from Greasing the Wheels suggests that elected officials often overlook preventative maintenance projects especially when new capacity projects are encouraged by campaign contributions. Transportation money should be spent on projects that produce real results over the long haul – reducing our dependence on oil, alleviating congestion, improving safety, and benefiting the economy.”
The report points out campaign contributions from highway interests could have financed the winning campaigns of almost one-in-ten senators or about 75 members of the U.S. House. According to the group, as highway interests target their gifts to “swing” votes and likely earmark sponsors, it is easy to see how this spending is potentially very influential.
The Arizona PIRG Education Fund recommends reform of current campaign finance policy in order to ensure the public interest is protected and that transportation decisions are made based on smart policy rather than on politics.
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