
Arizona PIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for the public and stand up to special interests on problems that affect the public’s health, safety and wellbeing.

Faye Park on CBS News
CBS News
PIRG President Faye Park talks to CBS news about toxic ingredients in children's makeup.

All Americans want a healthier, safer, more secure future. Arizona PIRG works to find common ground around common sense solutions that will help make that future a reality. The problems we work on aren’t progressive or conservative. They’re just problems that our country shouldn’t tolerate in an age of great abundance and technological progress.

Arizona PIRG and our network of state organizations have a 50 year track record of bringing people together around solutions that work, and not stopping until we get real results.

Our approach

We value ideas and policies that both improve the quality of our lives now and put us on a path to a better future.

For every issue we work on, we have a bold vision of how to transform our country. But we understand that change comes one step at a time, and often powerful interests are standing in the way. Our focus is on making a difference for the public, not just making a statement.

We’ve successfully advocated for changes that have resulted in more recycling and less waste, healthier and safer choices in the marketplace, and greater accountability in government.

Our work
Stop the overuse of antibiotics event

Our work

From working to keep lifesaving medicines effective, to driving a future of clean transportation, find out more about what we're working on, and how you can help.

Working together

Even in deeply divided moments, all Americans want a healthier, safer, more secure future. Our advocates build coalitions that include people from all walks of life. Our advocates in Washington, D.C., seek out common ground and work with members of Congress from both parties. Our organizers and canvassers engage thousands of people every year.

Our team
Emily Rusch

Our team

Through coordinated action, pooled resources, and shared expertise PIRG staff across the country work together to make positive change. Meet the team.

Our network

Arizona PIRG and our network of state-based, citizen-funded Public Interest Research Groups, and is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to social change.

Join us

Your action and your support can make all the difference for the public when special interests push the other way. When you make a contribution, you’re right there with us protecting consumers, safeguarding public health, getting big money out of our democracy, and more.

The latest
Mike Litt testifying about the Equifax data breach for the House Financial Services Committee, Oct. 2017

The latest

Read the latest news and campaign updates, and find our most recent resources, tips and guides.

More resources

Check out our available job opportunities.

We’d love to hear from you, contact us.