Diane Brown
Executive Director, Arizona PIRG
Executive Director, Arizona PIRG
Arizona PIRG
Six months after Wall Street reform legislation creating the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was signed, a leading coalition released Halfway to the CFPB: An AFR Progress Report on “Standing Up” the New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
“This week’s latest financial fiasco, with J.P Morgan Chase caught overcharging military families for their mortgages and even wrongfully foreclosing on some, is another firm reminder of the urgent need for a strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,” said Diane E. Brown, Executive Director of the Arizona Public Interest Research Group (Arizona PIRG). “We look forward to when the CFPB turns on the lights and sets out to do its only job — protecting consumers from unfair practices by banks and non-banks.”
Arizona PIRG is a founding member of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), the diverse coalition that fought for passage of Wall Street reform last summer. Today, the coalition released “AFR Progress Report: Halfway to the CFPB.” Its highlights:
While marking its progress, the report also found that the CFPB faces numerous challenges, from the need to hire or transfer and house nearly a thousand employees to the need to nominate and confirm a permanent director by July 21.
“With the achievement of each new milestone, the administration shows that it is making real progress toward building the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,” concluded Brown. “While there are still challenges and lurking threats from opponents and special-interests, we are confident that the CFPB is getting ready for action.”