Media Contacts
Executive Director, Arizona PIRG
As we celebrate Arizona’s centennial today, I am reminded how lucky I am to live in a state with an independent nature and breathtaking natural beauty. But I also wonder about Arizona’s next 100 years.
Will our air be clean, and will our children’s toys be safe? Will our state pursue energy efficiency and invest in a modern transportation system? Will our government be transparent and accountable to the people? Will our elections be free and fair?
Arizona PIRG is fighting for these and other reforms that will make Arizona a great place to live for the next 100 years, but we can’t do it without the help of our active, civically engaged members.
We’re committed to continue the fight for a better Arizona: clean air and more transportation options, transparent budgets at all levels of government, and closing corporate tax loopholes. And we’ll continue to warn parents about unsafe toys, fight against privatization deals that leave taxpayers holding the bag, and ensure that our democracy remains “for the people” by protecting important, voter-approved measures like Clean Elections and the Independent Redistricting Commission.
But we are up against powerful special interests. And the governor’s recent repeal of the Clean Cars Program is an urgent reminder that we need to remain vigilant, not just to protect the reforms we have won, but also to push to make Arizona an even better place to live in its next 100 years.
I’m looking forward to working with you to make sure that Arizona’s next 100 years protects consumers; encourages a fair, sustainable economy; and fosters responsive, democratic government.