Consumer Watchdog

CBS Mornings features PIRG’s smart toys report

Smart toys can be dangerous for kids.

A screenshot shows the cover of PIRG's Smart Decisions about Smart Toys with a quote that says
PIRG staff | TPIN
PIRG's new report - Smart Decisions about Smart Toys - was featured on CBS Mornings in a piece about the dangers of data collection on children.

Last week, CBS Mornings aired an investigative piece on smart toys featuring our new report on the dangers they can pose to children. Smart toys contain high-tech components – like an internet connection or special software – that enable a toy to collect and share your child’s data with the manufacturer and other companies. Your child’s data may end up in a lot of places – including with advertisers who may make a profile about your child’s interests and sell it to other companies in order to target your kid with personalized ads. Our Don’t Sell My Data campaign director, R.J. Cross, also appears in the piece.


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