Advocates and repair professionals meeting with the office of State Senator Lena Gonzalez
On Wednesday May 3rd, advocacy groups, businesses and members of the public from across California spoke to 14 State Senate offices in support of the Right to Repair Act (SB 244, Eggman). If passed, the CALPIRG-backed bill would make electronics and appliances easier to fix.
Right now, the manufacturers can restrict access to the tools and equipment necessary for basic repairs. This often results in higher costs for consumers and increased levels of electronic waste entering the environment. The Right to Repair Act would make the parts and tools needed to fix everything from our phones to our refrigerators available to independent repair businesses and individual consumers.
Meeting attendees included representatives from CALPIRG, Californians Against Waste, iFixit, Consumer Reports, Recycle2Riches, FixitClinic, Media Alliance and others. Ten owners of independent repair businesses across the state also joined in on the lobbying efforts.
Tell Peloton: Manufacturers shouldn’t charge fees on secondhand sales
Peloton's $95 activation fee on secondhand bikes undermines ownership rights and raises costs for buyers. Join us in urging them to end this unfair practice.