Take action

Tell the EPA: PFAS don’t belong in our soil
These chemicals are simply too dangerous to be spreading across the land that produces our food.

Modernize The Vote

Make Higher Education Affordable

Big Money Out

Make Polluters Pay

High Value Health Care

Beyond Plastic

Consumer Watchdog

Food Safety

Product Safety

Financial Protection

Make It Toxic-Free

End The Nicotine Trap

Stop The Overuse Of Antibiotics

Healthy Air

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Right To Repair

Pesticide Free Future

Clean Water For America

Transform Transportation

Our EV Future

Get Off Fossil Fuels

Energy Conservation & Efficiency

Smart & Safe Travel
More You Can Do

Tell your U.S. House representative: Support the Agricultural Right to Repair Act

We have a vision to transform our transportation systemDanny Katz, Executive Director, CoPIRG

We have a vision to transform our transportation system
We need to support groups like PIRG who are keeping a close eye on what is happening.Cathy J., Member

We need to support groups like PIRG
I greatly appreciate PIRG for fighting for a safer, healthier world.Helen M, Member

PIRG keeps me informed
I see daily reminders of how much damage we have done and know that fixing that damage starts with me.Matt C.V., Member

Fixing that damage starts with me.
I’ve continued to support PIRG’s work because I want to help to eliminate single-use plastics, protect the planet and save the bees, and address consumer protection issues.Don Ewing, Member