Transform Transportation

A healthier, safer, cleaner future requires a new approach to transportation.

Green Lane Project via Flickr | Public Domain

From the thousands of lives cut short every year by transportation pollution, to the ever-present threat of traffic accidents on our roads, to the damage diesel emissions are doing to our climate — our country’s car-centric transportation system comes with heavy costs..

We can do better — and we can’t afford to wait. By enacting policies that make it easier for people to get around by walking, biking or taking public transit, we can build a future where Americans are freer to drive less and live more. We’ll have cleaner air, safer roads, and we’ll be leaving a healthier climate for our children and grandchildren.

Already, support for transforming our transportation systems is starting to take hold across the country. But we need to stand together to ensure our leaders continue making the right choices for our transportation future. You can take action today by urging your elected officials to increase funding for walking, biking and transit infrastructure, and to eliminate wasteful spending on highway projects we don’t need so we can make smarter investments in the future we want.

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