Media Contacts
Senior Director, Federal Consumer Program, PIRG
Senior Director, Federal Consumer Program, PIRG
WASHINGTON — A group of U.S. senators on the Commerce Committee, led by Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA), have introduced comprehensive federal online privacy legislation. The bill establishes strong consumer privacy rights, outlaws deceptive practices, improves data security safeguards and preserves stronger state laws.
Ed Mierzwinski, senior director of U.S. PIRG’s Federal Consumer Programs, issued the following statement in support:
“The Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act would make a great federal privacy law that protects consumers. It lets them defend themselves against privacy threats and forms a federal floor of protection that allows states to continue passing stronger privacy laws. It ensures that online practices do not discriminate against anyone. Finally, it sends a message to the powerful online lobby that its self-serving demand for a weaker law that would continue to allow 24/7 surveillance of consumers with no rights is a non-starter. We thank the senators for sending the message that we need to act quickly to improve online privacy, and look forward to working with them to implement these crucial policies.”
U.S. PIRG is a founding member of the Privacy and Digital Rights for All coalition.