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Director, Consumer Campaign, U.S. PIRG Education Fund
U.S. PIRG Education Fund
Statement by Mike Litt, Consumer Program Advocate at U.S. PIRG Education Fund, on today’s guilty plea by Volkswagen in its criminal court case for emission violations
“18 months after news of Volkswagen’s emission scandal broke, we’re glad to see the company finally admit to criminal wrongdoing. This kind of company admission is a big deal.
“Next, executives responsible for defrauding consumers and government regulators should pay with jail time. The VW scandal is one of the biggest corporate crimes in history. We need to make sure executives and their companies know that crime doesn’t pay.”
U.S. PIRG Education Fund is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest advocacy organizations that stand up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. On the web at