Clean water

Together we can protect the waterways that sustain our communities and our health.

Our waterways should be safe for swimming, fishing and drinking. But weak regulations and lax enforcement allow many of our rivers, lakes and streams to become so polluted they are no longer safe. This pollution, along with outdated infrastructure – like lead pipes in our schools – puts our health at risk. We need to work together to make sure our water is treated like the life-giving resource that it is.

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New Report: Toxic waste cleanup efforts lag, putting Marylanders at risk

Toxic threats

New Report: Toxic waste cleanup efforts lag, putting Marylanders at risk

The Superfund toxic waste cleanup program, a priority of the EPA for four decades, is responsible for responding to the most serious hazardous waste sites in the country, including the 1,327 sites on the EPA’s National Priorities List. There are 20 number of these sites in Maryland alone. The chemicals found there, such as arsenic, benzene, dioxin, and lead, are some of the most dangerous in the world. 

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Shrinking the Dead Zone, Reducing Fertilizer Use

Food & farming

Shrinking the Dead Zone, Reducing Fertilizer Use

Last week, scientists predicted that this year’s hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico will be the 3rd largest since monitoring began 32 years ago. The “dead zone” will cover about 8,185 square miles — an area roughly the size of New Jersey.

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