Rally for Ratepayer Relief
Join us at noon at the west steps of the Capitol for a rally to ensure the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates takes action this session to tackle our high utility bills fueled by our overreliance on gas.

Tired of opening up your energy bill and getting hit with skyrocketing costs again? The spike is driven by gas prices.
Join us at the Capitol for a rally to tell state lawmakers to take action.
It’s time for utilities to reduce our reliance on gas and invest more in energy efficiency and cleaner, cheaper energy to stop increases in ratepayers’ bills. Fortunately a special committee has been meeting to find solutions. Now we need to show up and make our voices heard to ensure they act.
Join us at noon on Wed. April 12th on the West Steps of the State Capitol – bring your bill with you too (online or on paper) to show lawmakers how much your utility bill has increased this year.
This rally isn’t only about action, it’s also about relief: experts will be on-hand to help you address your high bills, including ways to apply for financial assistance.
For more information on what’s driving up our utility bills and actions you can take, check this out.

Energy Conservation & Efficiency
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