Vail commits to CoPIRG-backed 100% zero emission transportation resolution

Gina Goldenberg

Former Creative Associate, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network

Another Colorado town has jumped on board with zero-emission transportation.

The Vail Town Council on Oct. 22 voted to become a GoEV City, agreeing to transition all vehicles to emit zero carbon. Vail is the ninth Colorado city, town or county to make such a commitment in response to the GoEV City campaign led by CoPIRG and other groups. Among the steps the town will take is adopting electric vehicles in its municipal fleet and creating more EV charging stations.

“Transportation is a leading source of the pollutants that fuel climate change and create ozone pollution,” said CoPIRG Advocate Alex Simon. “Cities and counties can play a big role in tackling this pollution by committing to 100% clean, electric-powered transportation futures and implementing the kinds of innovative policies that GoEV Cities and Counties are rolling out right now.”

The vote came after a summer when Coloradans experienced a record-breaking string of bad air days.

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Learn more about our Electric Buses for Colorado campaign.

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Photo: Vail’s recent commitment to zero-emission buses is a win for our transportation campaign and will help reduce ozone pollution to finally meet clean air standards. Credit: Marc Hermann, CC BY-2.0


Gina Goldenberg

Former Creative Associate, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network