Tax & budget

Together we can make sure tax and budget decisions reflect our shared priorities and balance competing values.

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Offshore Tax Dodging Blows a $503M Hole in Arizona’s Budget

Tax & budget

Offshore Tax Dodging Blows a $503M Hole in Arizona’s Budget

As Arizona lawmakers are soon to begin discussing the state budget for the next fiscal year, the Arizona PIRG Education Fund released a new study, The Hidden Cost of Offshore Tax Havens: State Budgets under Pressure from Tax Loophole Abuse, revealing that the State of Arizona lost $503 million due to offshore tax dodging in 2012.

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Phoenix Receives a Grade of “D” for Spending Transparency

Tax & budget

Phoenix Receives a Grade of “D” for Spending Transparency

Phoenix received a grade of “D” for spending transparency, according to a new report released today by the Arizona PIRG Education Fund. The report reviewed how well the thirty largest cities in the U.S. – including Phoenix - publicly provide data about city spending and revenues in an online transparency website.

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