Report, guides, events, experts for week of Earth Day, April 18-22, 2022

Media Contacts

DENVER – Given the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) most recent comprehensive report on the existential crisis of climate change, this year’s Earth Day (April 22), comes at a pivotal moment. In the week leading up to the event, Environment America, PIRG and their research and state partners are providing key resources for journalists to address many of the environmental issues currently facing the planet. 

These include:

  • A new Shining Cities report ranking major U.S. cities for total and per capita solar capacity will be released on Tuesday, April 19. This eighth edition of Environment America Research & Policy Center’s semiannual report shows how major cities across the nation stack up nationally in this key renewable energy category and includes unique data not found in any other reports on the subject. 

  • Also on April 19, PIRG is hosting student leaders from across the country in a webinar entitled Trash Talk: Students Breaking Free from Plastics. The event will delve into how students can successfully organize to make their voices heard and inspire the reduction of plastic pollution on campus and beyond. Reporters are welcome to RSVP to attend the event, which will take place at 6 p.m. EDT.

  • PIRG’s Consumer Watchdog team has put together a couple of guides for green living. One, the ”Buy Less, Give More” gift guide, suggests 10 different types of gifts that are good for the environment, easy on your wallet and great for creating new memories. The second tips guide gives some quick ideas on ways you can be a smart and environmentally conscious consumer. 

  • Updated for Earth Day 2022, Environment America is re-releasing its “Nifty 50” guide of environmental activities that kids and their families can do to not only learn about the planet but also protect it. The list includes hands-on options for action on climate change, waste reduction, conservation and protecting birds and bees.  

In addition, throughout the week, Environment America and PIRG experts will also be available to discuss a variety of environmental issues:

Federal Environment Program

Lisa Frank, [email protected], is the executive director of Environment America’s Washington legislative office and a vice president and the D.C. director for The Public Interest Network. Lisa directs strategy and staff for Environment America’s federal campaigns. Currently, she and her team are working to get Congress to pass legislation, including:


Matt Casale, [email protected], is the director of PIRG’s environment campaigns. The program aims to implement climate solutions that support a cleaner, healthier future for our children and grandchildren, including stopping new fossil fuel infrastructure, ending subsidies for polluting industries and investing in clean, renewable technologies. Matt is also lead on much of PIRG’s infrastructure work, and has co-authored research reports on the subject, including the Blueprint for America. He has been interviewed and quoted by several major national media outlets, including The Washington Post, U.S. News and World Report, The Boston Globe and Citylab, and published an opinion piece in The Hill on what should be included in a sustainable infrastructure plan. 

Clean Energy

Johanna Neumann, [email protected], is the senior director of Environment America’s Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy at the local, state and national level. Her team advocates for using energy in our homes and businesses more wisely, community solar projects and making every new home a solar home. Johanna has appeared on-camera for numerous outlets, including NBC and  MSNBC’s Hardball, and been quoted in such publications as the Washington Post and Baltimore Sun. 

Clean Water

John Rumpler, [email protected], runs Environment America’s clean water program. He directs our work to protect our rivers, lakes, streams and drinking water. He has co-authored several research reports, including Accidents Waiting to Happen: Toxic threats to our rivers, lakes and streams. John has also testified before Congress on enforcement of clean water laws. His current efforts include defending the Clean Water Act, curbing pollution from factory farms and working to “Get the Lead Out” of drinking water. He’s appeared on camera for CBS This Morning, among other outlets. He’s also been interviewed by such outlets as U.S. News and World Report, Bloomberg and WebMD.


Steve Blackledge, [email protected], is the senior director of Environment America’s conservation program. He led our successful national campaign to win full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Program through the Great American Outdoors Act. Steve’s team works to protect our lands and waters — from the Tongass National Forest in Alaska to the Florida Keys. They advocate for the wildlife with which we share our planet, including right whales, monarch butterflies and more. He is also well-versed in the effort to protect 30% of our land and water by 2030. Steve has appeared on and in a wide variety of media outlets, including on CBS News.
