Make It Toxic-Free

Advocacy groups deliver 130,000+ petitions calling on REI to phase out toxic PFAS

Toxic threats

Cheri Peele, Toxic Free Future | Used by permission
WashPIRG Advocate joins advocacy groups to deliver 130,000 petitions calling on REI to phase out toxic PFAS from its stores

Last week, WashPIRG advocate Nicole Walter joined Toxic Free Future and Parents United at REI’s flagship store in Seattle to deliver over 130,000 petitions from across the country, calling on REI to phase out PFAS from their stores.

PFAS,  also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of an estimated 12,000 human-made chemicals linked to cancer, damage to the immune system and a host of other health problems. They are commonly used in outdoor apparel and gear to make them more water and stain resistant. This use can directly expose our bodies to these toxic “forever chemicals”, and can leach into our environment where they can contaminate our land, air and drinking water.

Earlier this year, WashPIRG Foundation released a scorecard with NRDC and Fashion FWD grading major apparel brands on efforts to eliminate PFAS use in their supply chains. While REI has banned a few PFAS chemicals from its supply chain, it earned an “F” for its failure to commit to phasing out all PFAS use in their stores.

Consumers everywhere are concerned about the health of our bodies and our environment, and brands like REI should lead the way in phasing out toxic PFAS.

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