WashPIRG denounces federal proposal to stall Clean Car Standards

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Elise Orlick

Trump administration also seeks to take away states’ rights regarding fuel efficiency


SEATTLE — Americans stand to breathe more polluted air as a result of a rollback announced today by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler proposed to roll back the “Clean Car” fuel economy standards, which, if left in place, would eliminate more than 2 billion metric tons of emissions.

On top of these regressive effects, the proposal would deny states the right to create their own more efficient fuel standards.

Elise Orlick, WashPIRG Director, released the following statement:

“The Clean Car standards are a boon to society and help minimize air pollution, which leads to better public health.

And while the Trump Administration often invokes states’ rights on other issues, it is trying to eliminate the ability for states to protect their citizens from air pollution.

More than a third of U.S. auto buyers live in Washington and the other dozen states plus Washington, DC, that have already adopted Clean Car standards requiring vehicles to have stronger emission controls.

Washingtonians won’t stand for more polluted air filling their lungs.”

To date, fuel economy standards have saved Washington households $840 million, and by 2030, each Washington household could be $3,300 richer, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.



WashPIRG is a non-partisan, non-profit consumer organization that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. On the web at www.washpirg.org.