Pesticide Free Future

National Pollinators Week is coming up. Here’s what PIRG is doing.

National Pollinator Week is June 20-26 this year. Bees alone are responsible for pollinating every third bite of food we take. But there are many other types of pollinators besides bees, including birds, butterflies and other bugs, and small mammals! This National Pollinator Week we’ll be celebrating the important role pollinators play in our food system, sharing educational information, and sharing actions YOU can take to make sure our pollinators – and by extension, the foods we rely on – are protected from the many threats they face. Follow us on social media to follow along with our updates & actions!

Twitter: @uspirg | Instagram: @uspirg | Facebook: U.S. PIRG | LinkedIn: U.S. PIRG

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Donate to help keep plastic nurdles out of our waterways

Plastic waste is turning up everywhere. Will you donate to our Fiscal Year-End Drive to help move beyond plastic?
