Transform Transportation

Infrastructure funds will be used for highway removal in Detroit

Recently, the Biden administration announced that it would be providing over 100 million dollars to assist the city of Detroit in removing interstate 375.

Recently, the Biden administration announced that it would be providing over 100 million dollars to assist the city of Detroit in removing interstate 375. The planned removal has had significant public support because of the negative effects that the interstate has had on the surrounding community. The removal of the highway will reconnect communities that were previously divided by the construction of the interstate, reduce localized air pollution and further support walking and biking as forms of transportation within this community. 

As funding from the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act continues to be distributed it is important for municipalities to consider all of the possible benefits and consequences of infrastructure projects. Investing in public transportation, active mobility infrastructure and roadway repair could have countless benefits to local communities, yet in some areas legislators are still prioritizing the creation of new highways. To learn more about the benefits of stopping highway expansion visit Highway Boondoggles 7. 

Stop the Highway Boondoggles
aerial photograph Marquette Freeway Interchange, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Highways & infrastructure

Stop the Highway Boondoggles

America spends tens of billions of dollars each year on highway expansion projects that do little to address congestion, create other problems for our communities, and absorb scarce resources that could be used to meet other, more pressing transportation needs.


Ryan Giunta

Former Transform Transportation, Associate, PIRG

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