Virginia Ruling Would Cost Consumers if Affirmed by Higher Courts

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Melissa Cubria


Statement by TexPIRG Advocate, Melissa Cubria, on the ruling issued today by Federal Judge Judge Henry E. Hudson on the Commonwealth of Virginia’s lawsuit challenging the new federal health care law and its minimum coverage requirement.

Judge Henry Hudson’s ruling today is simply bad for consumers- in Virginia or any other state.  


If higher courts affirm Hudson’s ruling, Americans with insurance would be left with more than $1000 a year in higher insurance premiums because too many of those without coverage will continue to use the Emergency Room as their primary care.  

Fortunately, today’s ruling will not be all the courts have to say about the new law. Federal courts in Michigan and Virginia have already ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act; twelve other federal courts have outright dismissed similar challenges.  And, a Florida judge will hear arguments this Thursday in a suit brought by state governors and attorneys general including Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Governor Rick Perry, who are opposed to the law.

Because Judge Hudson declined to issue an order halting implementation of the law or to strike down the law as a whole, these lawsuits will likely be resolved by higher courts before any negative impacts are felt by consumers,

But if these lawsuits ultimately prevail, the only winners will be the industry interests who will once again be free to drive up costs and deny coverage.