
Janine Lamontagne |

Beyond plastic

Refill, Return, Reimagine: Innovative Solutions to Reduce Wasteful Packaging

Single-use plastic packaging is so common in our everyday lives that a future without it might seem a long way off. But examples of what that future might look like are already here.


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TexPIRG 2024 program agenda
Texas state capitol building

TexPIRG 2024 program agenda

TexPIRG is an advocate for consumers, advancing solutions to problems that affect our health, our safety, and the quality of our lives.  This year we’re continuing our efforts to reduce the cost of health care, make the electric grid more reliable, stop wasteful highway expansion projects, defend consumers and more. 


Plastic bag bans work

Beyond plastic

Plastic bag bans work

Well-designed single-use plastic bag bans have successfully reduced plastic bag use and associated litter and pollution. Use the Single-use Plastic Bag Ban Waste Reduction Calculator to estimate the impact where you live.


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