Soren Funk |

Beyond plastic

Tell your U.S. House representative: Support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act

The Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act will hold companies accountable for dumping millions of plastic pellets into our waterways.

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TexPIRG is an advocate for consumers, advancing solutions to problems that affect our health, our safety and our wellbeing.

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I like that PIRG digs down and finds ways the system has been rigged against our long-term welfare and tries to translate that into legislative and legal action at the state, local and national levels. Nick Bridge, Member
We have a vision to transform our transportation system Danny Katz, Executive Director, CoPIRG
I am impressed by TexPIRG and USPIRG's ability to create change, which I understand comes from leveraging grass roots support and smart publicity. Kara N., Member
I greatly appreciate PIRG for fighting for a safer, healthier world. Helen M, Member
I see daily reminders of how much damage we have done and know that fixing that damage starts with me. Matt C.V., Member