Secretary Hugh’s recommendations fall short of protecting Texans

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Lauren Banister

AUSTIN–Texas Secretary of State Ruth Hughs released guidance today on how to prepare safe polling locations amid COVID-19.

Lauren Banister, TexPIRG associate, issued the following statement:

“The recommendations that Secretary Hugh’s put forward today does little to assure voters that they will be safe when they walk into their polling locations. No one should have to choose between their health and their fundamental right to vote”

“Governor Abbott took the first steps to make polling locations safe by extending the early voting period, but these recommendations fall short of providing sufficient safety precautions for voters once they walk through the door.”

“A simple way to ensure polling locations are safe is reduce the number of people who need to show up on election day. Governor Abbott took the first step when he extended the early voting period. Now the state must allow more people to vote at home. Voting at home is a safe, non-partisan way to protect our democracy and our health at the same time.”