Transform Transportation

Bridge plan task force weighs consumer choice against time restrictions

Last week, our health care advocate provided public comment to Oregon’s Bridge Plan Task Force in support of a program that preserves consumer choice when it comes to their health insurance plan. There are currently two main plans under discussion: one which would preserve consumer choice but requires reapproval every 5 years and has a longer timeline to implement, and one that would create a permanent program that restricts consumer choice which the federal government has incentivized by expediting the timeline to implement it.

The task force must make their recommendations for this program by the end of August, and the program has to be set up in about a year after that, making the time restrictions a big concern for the task force. However, that should not preclude the task force from making recommendations that prioritize the needs of Oregonians and recognize the long-term effects of the program if it limits Oregonians’ eligibility for insurance plans that fit their specific needs.

Stop the Highway Boondoggles
aerial photograph Marquette Freeway Interchange, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Highways & infrastructure

Stop the Highway Boondoggles

America spends tens of billions of dollars each year on highway expansion projects that do little to address congestion, create other problems for our communities, and absorb scarce resources that could be used to meet other, more pressing transportation needs.


Maribeth Guarino

Former High Value Health Care, Advocate, PIRG

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