Is switching from plastic to paper better for the environment?
Single-use plastic can cause major environmental damage, but paper substitutes also have downsides. What if there was a third way?
Single-use plastic can cause major environmental damage, but paper substitutes also have downsides. What if there was a third way?
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Organizations including OSPIRG, representing Oregonians across the state, submitted comments on Wednesday to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) as it reviews the proposed acquisition of Legacy Health System by Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).
We don’t want to throw away food, but we don’t want to produce plastic waste either. What’s the most sustainable storage solution?
Five highlights of how our advocacy and action in 2024 helped make society healthier, safer and more sustainable, and the marketplace a little more honest and transparent for consumers.
There are many times when single-use waste could be avoided, and our morning cup of coffee is one of them.
Advocates urge incoming administration to maintain environmental, consumer protections