Charlie Fisher
State Director, OSPIRG
State Director, OSPIRG
OSPIRG Foundation
Portland, OR — Hundreds of thousands of children go to the emergency room every year because of toy-related injuries. To help ensure kids’ safety, OSPIRG Foundation is releasing its 34th-annual Trouble in Toyland report, which identifies dangerous products still for sale in 2019 and provides tips for parents and gift-givers.
“Toys have become safer over the last three decades, but dangerous and toxic toys still remain on store shelves. With that in mind, parents should remain vigilant to protect kids from these hazards,” said Charlie Fisher, OSPIRG Foundation’s State Director, “Meanwhile, manufacturers and regulators must do more to ensure all toys are safe before they end up in a child’s hands.”
While stronger safety standards have significantly reduced the number of dangerous toys for sale, problems persist. OSPIRG Foundation has identified three categories of toys that parents should be on the lookout for: detectable dangers, hidden toxics and hazards, and recalled toys.
Detectable dangers: Parents can recognize numerous dangerous products just by looking at them. A few common threats include:
Hidden toxics: In the last year, toys and other children’s products containing lead, cadmium and boron were found for sale — posing a health risk parents cannot see.
Recalled Toys: The last line of defense is our nation’s recall system. But, OSPIRG Foundation researchers were able to purchase the recalled INNOCHEER’s Kids Musical Instrument Set and VTech’s Musical Elephant Shaker, which were both recalled more than a year ago. Parents should check to see if a toy has been recalled by visiting
“U.S. PIRG’s report on potentially dangerous consumer products is welcomed by the CPSC. We share a common goal of keeping American families safe this holiday season and all year long,” said U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Acting Chairman Robert Adler. “CPSC takes this report seriously and will review and act as appropriate.”
“Toys are safer than ever before thanks to years of hard work by consumer, public health, and parent advocacy organizations; elected officials; and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. But with new threats appearing and old dangers still lurking, there is more work to do to prevent children from ending up sick or in the emergency room, instead of happily playing at home,” added Fisher.