OSPIRG 2018 Legislative Scorecard

The Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG), a non-profit, non-partisan advocate for the public interest, monitors the voting records of Oregon’s state legislators. Do your legislators support the public interest? Their votes on key public interest issues are shown below.


The Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG), a non-profit, non-partisan advocate for the public interest, monitors the voting records of Oregon’s state legislators. If you don’t know who your State Senator and State Representative are, you can find out here: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/findyourlegislator/leg-districts.html

In 2018, the following four bills were scored: 

  1. Free Credit Freezes (SB 1551): Enables Oregon consumers to freeze, unfreeze, and temporarily lift (thaw) their credit report for free. This will help Oregonians protect sensitive financial information, which is especially important in the wake of data security breaches like the recent hack of the massive credit reporting agency Equifax.
  2. Prescription Drug Price Transparency (HB 4005): Requires prescription drug manufacturers to provide a public explanation for price hikes in excess of 10% for drugs that cost $100 or more per month. This legislation will create much-needed public accountability for the prescription drug industry, and may help deter some of the most excessive drug price increases.
  3. Transparency in Oregon Medicaid Program (HB 4018): Enacts reforms to open up the private organizations that administer the taxpayer-funded Oregon Health Plan—known as Coordinated Care Organizations—to more financial transparency, more public scrutiny and more public input.
  4. Net Neutrality (HB 4155): Prohibits the state of Oregon from contracting with internet service providers that fail to honor the principle that the internet should be free and open for everyone. This will help protect Oregonians from the consequences of the recent Federal Communications Commission decision to repeal federal net neutrality protections.