OSPIRG 2019 Legislative Scorecard

OSPIRG compiled this scorecard as a tool for the public to know how their lawmakers voted on key public interest issues. This year, we scored the 12 bills.



OSPIRG compiled this scorecard as a tool for the public to know how their lawmakers voted on key public interest issues. This year, we scored the 12 bills. You can download the scorecard using the link above. If you don’t know who your state legislators are you can enter your address here to find out:  https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/findyourlegislator/leg-districts.html

Public Interest Votes in Scorecard

Advance Notice of Drug Price Increases (HB 2658): Requires drug manufacturers give 60 days advance notice before significant price increases go into effect, giving patients, providers, and insurers time to plan ahead and respond.

Maintaining Health Care Consumer Protections (SB 250): Codifies pro-consumer provisions in the Affordable Care Act in Oregon law, including non-discrimination, access to mental health services, and protection for individuals with preexisting conditions. 

Health Care Cost-Growth Benchmark (SB 889): Takes steps to slow down the growth of health care costs in Oregon by setting an annual goal for health care cost increases and publicly holding all insurance companies and health care providers accountable for controlling their costs.

Campaign Finance Constitutional Amendment (SJR 18): Refers a state constitutional amendment to the 2020 ballot allowing contribution limits in political campaigns. Oregon is one of only five states with no limits on contributions to political candidates.

Campaign Contribution Limits (HB 2714): Would have set limits on contributions to political candidates in Oregon. The bill passed the House but wasn’t voted on in the Senate. 

Independent expenditure advertising disclosure (HB 2716): Requires political ads paid for by independent groups not affiliated with an official candidates’ campaign (Independent Expenditures) to name the top five donors to the organization running the ad. 

Donor disclosure to “dark money” groups (HB 2983): Requires organizations that don’t usually have to disclose their donors publicly to do so if they spend over a certain threshold in political campaigns. Dark money groups have been used in the past to funnel millions of dollars to election advocacy without any transparency. 

Pre-paid postage on ballots (SB 861): Increases voter participation by allowing Oregonians to drop their ballot in the mail without having to add a stamp.

Commonsense security for internet-connected devices (HB 2395): Requires manufacturers of internet-connected devices to implement security protocol to prevent hacking and holds them accountable if they fail to comply. 

Stronger regulations on payday lenders (HB 2089): Closed a loophole in state law that payday lenders were exploiting to get around limits on the fees they could charge customers.  

Green Zoning (HB 2001): Encourages “green growth” by removing bans on middle housing in cities with more than 10,000 people and allows for construction of up to four homes on parcels currently zoned exclusively for single-family housing.

Statewide ban on single-use polystyrene foam (HB 2883):  Would have restricted the use of polystyrene foam takeout containers and cups across the state, except in some cases. The bill passed the House but failed in the Senate.