Open Safe Oregon

Trends and risk assessment report for July 23, 2020

OSPIRG has been tracking critical public health metrics around the containment of COVID-19 in Oregon, building on the work of COVID Exit Strategy, a group of national public health and crisis experts. Currently, Oregon is rated “Yellow” overall - while Oregon has fared better against the coronavirus than many states, so far, keeping it that way will require quick intervention to avoid spiraling out of control. 


OSPIRG has been tracking critical public health metrics around the containment of COVID-19 in Oregon, building on the work of COVID Exit Strategy, a group of national public health and crisis experts. Currently, Oregon is rated “Yellow” overall – while Oregon has fared better against the coronavirus than many states, so far, keeping it that way will require quick intervention to avoid spiraling out of control. 


This fact sheet uses a color scale to show how Oregon’s 36 counties are performing against benchmarks for containment, COVID testing, and contact tracing over the last week. This week, we began factoring contact tracing success rates into our grade, resulting in many more counties  moving into “yellow” status – reflecting statewide failures.

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