Governor Kate Brown makes the right call to save lives

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Rolling back reopening prioritizes public health


Gov. Brown announced today that she will be expanding the novel coronavirus (COVID19) restrictions, including restricting restaurants and bars to takeout only and prohibiting visits to nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

According to the COVID Exit Strategy Map, Oregon now has “uncontrolled spread” of  COVID-19. Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all up across the state, setting statewide records for cases in recent days, coupled with an increase in case positivity . 

In response to the Governor’s announcement, OSPIRG director Charlie Fisher released the following statement:

“The past few weeks have seen COVID-19 surging across the country, and Oregon is not immune. By rolling back some of the most high-risk activities where people gather together indoors, Governor Brown is protecting public health.

“We are at a critical point and the decisions made by our leaders today will determine how many lives we can save and help us get through the winter as safely as we can.

While the governor is taking the right steps, more is likely needed given how quickly and widely the virus is spreading in the state. The quickest way to lower cases dramatically is to close all non-essential businesses and ensure that people stay home.”

“Two things are as clear as they’ve been for months: it’s in our power to save lives, and taking measures to do so will help, not hurt the economy.”

Read OSPIRG Public Health Campaigns Director Matt Wellingon’s piece on “How many lives will we choose to save?”
