Tell your governor: End unjustified facility fees
Hospital facility fees are being tacked onto bills for doctor visits -- even if you never stepped foot in a hospital. Tell your governor to end these unjustified fees today.
We know that not all dietary supplements are safe and yet they still fill our grocery and pharmacy shelves, and many Americans’ cabinets. More than half of American adults take at least one dietary supplement a day, spending about $40 billionon products they hope will make them stronger and healthier. But for decades, this billion dollar industry has been selling its vitamins, minerals and herbal products to the public with virtually no oversight. The Dietary Supplements List Act will require dietary supplement manufacturers to list their products and ingredients with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Today, we sent a letter to Senators Dick Durbin and Mike Braun to thank them for co-sponsoring this bill. Not enough is known about the safety of ingesting these products and more studies must be done. This is the first step to securing the information the FDA needs to assess its next steps to protect millions of Americans from the potential harms these products pose.
Photo Credit: Michal Parzuchowski at Unsplash
Hospital facility fees are being tacked onto bills for doctor visits -- even if you never stepped foot in a hospital. Tell your governor to end these unjustified fees today.
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