Aaron Colonnese
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
Massachusetts has a chance to improve how we vote, and hundreds of Bay Staters have made it clear that we want our leaders to take it.
On May 11, MASSPIRG and the Election Modernization Coalition organized a virtual lobby day in support of the VOTES Act, which would institute election-day registration, expand mail-in voting, and ensure all voters are aware of their eligibility in each election. The event drew more than 300 citizen advocates and featured bill sponsors state Rep. John Lawn and state Sen. Cynthia Creem.
“In the view of our coalition of advocates, attorneys and community organizers, it’s well past time for major improvements in the way we vote in Massachusetts,” said MASSPIRG Executive Director Janet Domenitz in a July 2 op-ed.
“With passage of the VOTES Act, we’d be lifting up the commonwealth’s founding values of liberty and democracy in a manner truly worthy of a Boston Pops fireworks celebration.”
Learn more about our campaigns to modernize the vote in the Bay State.
Photo: Our democracy works better when more people participate — and more people can participate when they have more options to vote safely, conveniently and securely. Credit: Vox Efx via Flickr, CC BY 2.0
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
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