1700 Baystaters urge lawmakers to ban toxic PFAS

More than 1700 residents from the Cape to the Berkshires urged the Joint Committee on Public Health to phase out toxic PFAS in Massachusetts.
“There is a lot we need to do to protect public health from PFAS. We need to identify and clean up existing pollution. We need to care for those affected. And we need to hold contaminators accountable for cleanup costs. That said, our efforts will be for nothing if we don’t stop PFAS contamination at the source.
It’s pretty simple: If a bathtub is overflowing, you don’t start
scooping out buckets of water to try to empty it. You turn off the faucet.
Please act quickly in passing from your committee, An Act to protect Massachusetts public health from PFAS, S1356 & H2197 sponsored by Rep. Kate Hogan and Sen. Julian Cyr, which will phase out PFAS in many products by 2026 and the rest by 2030; cut industrial discharges of PFAS to water; and set up a fund to help communities test and treat for PFAS in drinking water, soil, and groundwater. Passage of the bill will significantly reduce our exposure to toxic PFAS and prevent contamination from getting worse.”

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