Milestones: State groups secure plastic bans
With support from PIRG and Environment America, several states have helped combat pollution by establishing bans on harmful single-use plastics.
With support from PIRG and Environment America, several states have helped combat pollution by establishing bans on harmful single-use plastics.
The Right to Repair campaign aims for a world in which people don't discard products due to limited repair options, but are empowered to fix stuff on their own.
After ten years of grassroots efforts, pro-recycling advocates and citizens successfully established a bottle deposit law in Massachusetts.
Environment America's network of state organizations has campaigned for commitments to 100% renewable energy, winning significant policy changes across the country.
Fact Sheet, MA PFAS bill
Overcharged? Service not done? Stuck with a product that does not work? The MASSPIRG Consumer Action Center in Weymouth resolves disputes between consumers and businesses through consumer advocacy and negotiation.
From pesticides to fossil fuels, it takes a lot of resources to make a T-shirt.
VR risks are significant enough the child health experts we spoke to recommend parents steer clear of Meta's Quest VR headsets
Massachusetts program issuing grants to schools and childcare centers to kids from lead in drinking water.
A Massachusetts fact sheet about updating the bottle bill (aka deposit return law)