Kirstie Pecci
Dear Secretary Beaton,
MASSPIRG is submitting the attached memo with exhibits in regards to EEA No. 15356 Draft Environmental Impact Report (the “DEIR”) submitted by Southbridge Recycling & Disposal Park (“Casella”).
According to the DEIR, Casella has requested permission to expand Southbridge Landfill’s disposal area by more than 32 acres using two methods: 1) Building new landfill cells on top of full, closed landfill cells; and 2) Building new landfill cells on undeveloped land. Using the numbers provided by the DEIR, if allowed this expansion would result in more than 4,461,000 additional tons of waste being buried in the Towns of Southbridge and Charlton.
MASSPIRG respectfully asks that the MEPA Office require Casella to:
All four phases of the expansion will require earthen berms to contain the waste, a technology that is largely untested for landfills in Massachusetts. All fours Phases include berms, and as a result must be evaluated by the MassDEP via a Determination of Site Suitability and both the Charlton and Southbridge Boards of Health via a site assignment. Casella has also not addressed the additional danger building new cells on top of existing, sometimes unlined cells (12 acres of unlined cells in all) would pose.
In conclusion, please require Casella to provide as much information as possible regarding the ongoing environmental degradation at and around the Southbridge Landfill. Please require that the experts at the MassDEP and the citizens that man the local boards and commissions be given the opportunity to review this proposal as carefully and closely as possible.
The landfill poses a serious threat to the public’s health now. The DEIR does nothing to ensure that that danger will not be multiplied if the landfill expands.
Kirstie Pecci, Staff Attorney