Public Interest Priorities for the 2020 Legislative Session
Maryland's 2020 Legislative session begins on January 8th. We'll release a full agenda soon, but in the mean time here are our top priorities.
There's no reason to accept the risks or high costs of nuclear power, given the abundance of renewable energy that is cleaner, safer, and often more affordable.
Maryland's 2020 Legislative session begins on January 8th. We'll release a full agenda soon, but in the mean time here are our top priorities.
Maryland PIRG has joined NIRS (Nuclear Information and Resource Service) and 85+ other groups in signing a letter to the White House and Coronavirus Task Force asking them to strengthen safety and public health measures for nuclear power industry.
Gov. Larry Hogan announced Wednesday that he will be introducing legislation in 2020 to move the state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2040. He signaled support for nuclear power, but was short on details. Maryland PIRG Director Emily Scarr issued the following statement in response:
Today, Chicago-based Exelon Corporation, parent company of BGE, introduced legislation in Illinois to subsidize their aging and expensive nuclear power fleet in the state. Marylanders should take note of this proposal and its implications, especially as Exelon pursues a merger with Pepco Holdings.
The unfolding events in Japan are a sobering reminder that nuclear power is inherently dangerous.
Japanese officials and outside experts have repeatedly stated that levels of radiation found in areas surrounding the Fukushima nuclear power plant pose no “immediate risk to human health.” This has often been misinterpreted to mean that this level of exposure to radiation is “safe.”