Maryland PIRGs 2022 Legislative Priorities
The legislative session provides a unique opportunity to make progress on some of the most pressing issues in our state. We’ll weigh in on dozens of policy proposals in the next few months, but here are our top priorities.
Today marks the beginning of my ninth legislative session in Annapolis, and Maryland PIRG’s 50th!
I’ve learned a lot in the last nine years, expanding on our half-century legacy as a scrappy and effective group working towards a bold vision with a pragmatic approach. From passing the nation’s strongest law to stop the overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture and reducing our childrens’ exposure to lead and other toxic chemicals to passing bi-partisan democracy reforms, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished in my time here, but I have a feeling our biggest accomplishments are yet to come.
The legislative session provides a unique opportunity to make progress on some of the most pressing issues in our state. We’ll weigh in on dozens of policy proposals in the next few months, but here are our top priorities:
Emily Scarr
Senior Advisor, Maryland PIRG
Emily is a senior advisor for Maryland PIRG. Recently, Emily helped win small donor public financing in Montgomery and Howard counties, and the Maryland Keep Antibiotics Effective Act to protect public health by restricting the use of antibiotics on Maryland farms. Emily also serves on the Executive Committees of the Maryland Fair Elections Coalition and the Maryland Campaign to Keep Antibiotics Working, and the Steering Committees for the Maryland Pesticide Action Network and Marylanders for Open Government. Emily lives in Baltimore with her husband and dog.