Consumer alerts

Tell your state legislators: Stop excessive car insurance rate hikes

Sasirin Pamai |

If you own a car in Illinois, the state requires you to buy car insurance, but does not protect you from excessive or unfair rates. In fact, Illinois is one of only two states whose Department of Insurance has no power to reject or modify excessive car insurance rates. Illinois also allows insurance companies to unfairly base rates on who you are, using factors like credit scores and zip codes, rather than how safe a driver you are.

The top 10 insurers in Illinois raised rates by more than $1.1 billion in 2022 and more than $1.25 billion in 2023. The problem is compounded when insurers base rates on factors that have nothing to do with how safe a driver you are.

Illinois needs to catch up to the rest of the country by giving the Department of Insurance basic tools to protect car insurance customers, like the power to reject or modify rate hikes, and end the unfair practice of using non-driving factors to set rates. With your support, we can ensure Illinoisans enjoy the consumer protections they deserve when buying car insurance.


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