Household food waste highlighted in new MITRE-Gallup report Household food waste highlighted in new MITRE-Gallup report January 9, 2024
“Pumpkin smash” events post-Halloween are a hit! “Pumpkin smash” events post-Halloween are a hit! November 10, 2023
Food waste and climate emissions highlight of new EPA reports Food waste and climate emissions highlight of new EPA reports October 24, 2023
Chicago launches food scraps drop-off program Chicago launches food scraps drop-off program October 17, 2023
Too much of a good thing? The environmental downside of the “Stanley cup” craze. Recycling & compost Too much of a good thing? The environmental downside of the “Stanley cup” craze. April 2, 2024
A look back at what our unique network accomplished in 2023 Beyond plastic A look back at what our unique network accomplished in 2023 December 27, 2023
Are compostable and biodegradable plastics better for the environment than regular plastics? Beyond plastic Are compostable and biodegradable plastics better for the environment than regular plastics? June 13, 2023