Tell Spotify: Don’t junk the Car Thing
Spotify's decision to stop supporting all Car Thing players just three years after its launch is bad for consumers and the environment.
CALPIRG, local repair businesses, and coaliton partners take to the state capital to call for Right to Repair reforms. Right to Repair would lower consumer costs and reduce electronic waste.
On Tuesday, May 17, CALPIRG organized a virtual lobby day, calling for the state Senate to advance Right to Repair reforms (Senate Bill 983, Eggman). Dozens of independently-owned repair businesses, hailing from San Diego to Fresno to Mammoth Lakes, joined the effort. The bill, SB 983 would lower consumer costs for electonic and applience repair and reduce electronic waste. Indepenednt rpeiar shops support the legislation since it willexpand access to the parts, tools, and serive information they need to continue serving their communitites.
CALPIRG, the repair businesses, and coaliton partners met with 12 state Senate offices throughout the day, and the day’s meetings were covered by a story in the Sacramento Bee. SB 983’s next hurdle will be passing the Senate Appropriations comittee, where it will be heard on Thursday, May 19th.
“Our Right to Repair lobby day was a huge success,” said Sander Kushen, CALPIRG’s state advocate (pictured in a meeting below). “We made it clear to our lawmakers that Right to Repair is a common-sense step to help local businesses, everyday consumers, and our enviroment.”
Spotify's decision to stop supporting all Car Thing players just three years after its launch is bad for consumers and the environment.
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Former Consumer Advocate, CALPIRG