
How Safe Is Our Food?

Food & farming

How Safe Is Our Food?

Americans rely on a vast network of farms, slaughterhouses and manufacturers to provide safe food every day. In 2019 alone, high-profile recalls and foodborne illness outbreaks linked to flour, chicken strips and romaine lettuce reveal that more action is necessary to protect public health.


How Safe Is Our Food?

Food & farming

How Safe Is Our Food?

Americans rely on a vast network of farms and businesses to provide safe food daily. But in recent years, a string of high-profile recalls ranging from romaine lettuce to millions of pounds of beef to Ritz and Goldfish crackers have called into question the system developed to ensure safe food reaches people’s plates. The ubiquity of the problem can make grocery shopping a game of Russian roulette where what a family has for dinner could make them seriously sick.


Right to Repair is a simple way to cut health care costs

Right to repair

Right to Repair is a simple way to cut health care costs

Cost containment is is a critical first step in addressing the deep faults in our health care system - it's hard to image fixing problems of access if we continue to be charged $15 for a Tylenol pill or $1,000 for a toothbrush. It turns out that overpriced equipment repair helps add to those inflated costs.
