Unnecessary, yet potentially fatal: Tell your U.S. House representative to ban water beads now.

A 10-month-old child died last year after she ingested a popular children’s toy often marketed to parents as a “sensory learning tool.” The toy? Seemingly innocent water beads.
These colorful, rainbow-like spheres made of superabsorbent polymers are eye-catching. To an unsuspecting child, they look exactly like candy.
The problem is that these lethal water beads can grow up to 100 times in size in water. If ingested, water beads can grow inside the stomach or intestines, causing intestinal blockages and even death.
The Ban Water Beads Act was introduced to the House in November, which would end the sale of these dangerous items.
With your signature, you can help ensure that no other child is injured or even killed by this unnecessary, yet dangerous product.
Will you sign the Ban Water Beads Act now?