A threat to federal climate investment: Highway boondoggles
Too many states are using federal infrastructure funding to double down on wasteful, harmful highway construction and expansion.
Too many states are using federal infrastructure funding to double down on wasteful, harmful highway construction and expansion.
High gas prices are not going anywhere soon, thanks to the supply shocks from the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Some Americans might be able to switch to bikes or public transportation to avoid the worst of this crisis. But even for those in rural areas who cannot practically or safely make that switch, there are still alternatives.
We need to rethink our transportation system to truly free Americans from the pain of oil market volatility.
We’re launching a series to both celebrate positive examples of ‘people-first’ streets – and to point out the most dangerous and unpleasant roads in our backyards.
Each year, WashPIRG sets out goals for the legislative session and beyond. In addition to helping us measure our progress, our program agenda lets decision-makers know which high-priority consumer items our members want us to tackle.
Crititcs of U.S. DOT guidance on infrastructure spending are getting it wrong.