We’re continuing to shine a spotlight on unfair utility rate hikes
Illinois PIRG and other consumer advocates are calling on regulators to rein in Peoples Gas rate hikes and reform its mismanaged pipe replacement program.
With the major Illinois utility Peoples Gas proposing a $402 million rate hike while its expensive and mismanaged pipe replacement program fails to meet goals for 20 consecutive quarters, it’s clear something’s got to give.
This kind of bad deal for Illinois ratepayers is precisely why Illinois PIRG is ramping up our call for state leaders to step in and protect consumers. We can keep allowing Peoples Gas to pass wasteful and excessive costs onto Illinoisans, all while it rakes in record profits—or we can use the regulatory tools at our disposal to finally bring the company back in line with the needs of Illinois consumers.
“We need to hold Peoples Gas and its failing pipe replacement program accountable,” said Illinois PIRG State Director Abe Scarr. “Rather than approving the largest gas utility rate hike in state history, the Illinois Commerce Commission should take this opportunity to rein in the out-of-control utility spending driving up gas bills in Chicago.”
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Energy Conservation & Efficiency