High Value Health Care

New report shows success of No Surprises Act: patient protections against unfair medical bills

piles of bills

Sometimes it’s hard to measure success when what you are tracking is something that doesn’t happen. Beginning in January, the No Surprises Act made it illegal for most out-of-network doctors, hospitals and air ambulances to send a surprise medical bill. A new study showed at least 600,000 bills submitted by providers in just the first two months of the new law were subject to this prohibition. That means thousands of patients who would have received those unfair and expensive surprise bills have saved hundreds to thousands of dollars, thanks to the new law. And if this trend continues, it could mean more than 12 million bills will be avoided in 2022, amounting to tens of millions of dollars back in the hands of the patients. That’s what success looks like. Do you know your rights under the No Surprises Act. If not, learn more with our Patient Guide: Surprise medical billing protections you can use now

Photo credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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