Electric vehicles

We have all the tools to build an electric vehicle future — we just have to use them.

Whether you own an electric car, or you’re figuring out if an EV is right for you, or you just think electric cars are cool — we can all get excited about the benefits of putting more EVs on the road. Cleaner cars mean cleaner air, healthier communities and a safer climate.

And why wait, when electric vehicles are ready to roll across the country, and we’re closer than ever to a future where our kids ride electric buses to school, our mail and packages arrive on electric trucks, and most new cars sold get plugged in at night? Together, we can accelerate the transition to an electric vehicle future.

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Did You Know?
Global electric car sales doubled from 2020 to 2021.

What We're Doing

One of the primary barriers to putting even more EVs on the road is lack of access to public charging stations — which is why we're urging governors across the country to invest in charging infrastructure.

Take action with us.

The Latest
METRO adopts goal for all-electric public transit over the next decade

Electric vehicles

METRO adopts goal for all-electric public transit over the next decade

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) approved a goal on Thursday to transition the urban area’s entire public transit fleet to zero-emission vehicles by 2030. This announcement came as part of METRO’s Climate Action Plan, which will start by adding 20 new zero-emission electric buses to their fleet starting in spring of next year. Board Member Chris Hollins will oversee the development and implementation of the new electric bus program.

Media Releases  

Houston METRO plans to purchase 20 new electric buses

Electric vehicles

Houston METRO plans to purchase 20 new electric buses

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) staff announced last week a proposal to transition their transit fleet to zero-emission vehicles. This announcement came as part of METRO’s new electric bus initiative, which will add 10 new zero-emission electric buses and 10 electric cutaway buses to their fleet starting in spring of next year.

Media Releases  

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